Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Plans for the future

What I hope to do with Onward!SRQ in the upcoming year is first design a logo that is very easily identifiable and representative of the program. I would like to connect with some of the key groups in Sarasota and begin working with them, and I would like to start promoting the blog and Twitter. I hope to get more people on campus involved, so when schoolwork starts SRQ won't be interrupted.

I am also hoping to reconnect with some of the people who have been most helpful with developing SRQ, to let them know how it has grown, and to thank them for making it possible.

As of now, those are my plans for the future of Onward!SRQ, I hope that it will continue to grow and develop into the site I am planning for it to be.

Thursday, August 4, 2011